Dr. Ahmed El Adl

Coined the Cognitive Digital Twin, Thread, and Swarm in 2016, previsouly CXO leading multi-billion business at top tech and consulting firms

Dr. El Adl is a world-leading expert on the cognitive digital twins’ strategy, architecture, technologies, and applications in different industries and for different initiatives. He coined and published the concept of “Cognitive Digital Twin” in 2016 augmenting the original concept of digital twin with what adds the real values, the cognitive core.

He believes that the major inhabitants of the Metaverse would be Cognitive Digital Twins acting individually or in swarms to better serve humans in the physical and digital worlds.

Between 2017 and 2019, he led Accenture Global AI Tech, Digital Twin, and Intelligent industry solutions practice. He was previously the global CTO for the Manufacturing Industries at Computer Science Cooperation – CSC, currently DXC Technology. Also, he was SAP’s Global Vice President, Enterprise Mobility Solutions, and services. Dr. El Adl has led initiatives with the US Airforce and Space Force as well as major companies and governments on the “Cognitive Digital Twin” strategies.

He has a PhD in Computer Science (AI/Computer Vision) and Post Doc. in biologically inspired AI systems and mobile industrial Robotics.
